Maxi Maids

6579 Edsall Rd
Springfield, VA 22151 703-941-4205
Checkbook's Top Rating
Quality NO
Price NO

Prices for Maxi Maids

Checkbook's price comparison score what is this?

Consumer Ratings for Maxi Maids — 13 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all housecleaners
Doing work properly what is this?
Starting and completing work promptly what is this?
Letting you know cost early what is this?
Neatness of work what is this?
Overall quality what is this?
Overall quality: percent who rated company "adequate" or "superior" what is this?

Complaints for Maxi Maids

Number of complaints with local government consumer agencies and (complaint rate) what is this?
Number of complaints with BBB and (complaint rate) what is this?

Areas Served by Maxi Maids:

  • Alexandria
  • Arlington Co.
  • DC–NE
  • DC–NW
  • DC–SE
  • DC–SW
  • Fairfax Co.
  • Loudoun Co.
  • Montgomery Co.
  • Prince George's Co.
  • Prince William Co.

Consumer Comments for Maxi Maids

Register here and see full info on Maxi Maids, FREE.
Consumer from Burke, VA
Jun 29, 2022
Detailed in cleaning.