We often hear from subscribers who want us to supplement our price and quality comparisons of supermarkets with information on local farmers’ markets, community supported agriculture (CSA) businesses, and other providers of locally sourced food.

There are many local- and organic-focused markets and suppliers in the area. Their sheer number—and the fact that what’s in season or in stock constantly changes—make it impossible for us to make meaningful comparisons of their prices and quality.

Fortunately, however, nonprofit LocalHarvest.org at least makes it easy to find them by maintaining a searchable online database of farmers’ markets, CSAs, farm stands, pick-your-own farms, food co-ops and groceries, and restaurants.

LocalHarvest.org doesn’t check the bona fides of listed suppliers, and since some businesses make dubious claims, we recommend doing a bit of homework before buying. But the website does offer excellent advice on how to choose providers of locally grown and organic food, along with questions to ask suppliers.