Nova Fire Design

5501 Merchants View Sq #231
Haymarket, VA 20169 703-853-2897



Consumer Ratings for Nova Fire Design — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Nova Fire Design

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Consumer from Falls Church, VA
May 06, 2023
Not Recommended
NOVA Fire Design came to fix a gas fireplace set that had a gas leak, and they discovered that the problem was a defective gas valve, but they said that repair of the existing gas log set wasn’t really feasible since that particular type of gas valve wasn’t used any more since the newer sets used a remote control instead of a manually operated valve. Instead, my husband was informed that a replacement fireplace unit was needed and would be the best option. They said that the replacement would be the same size category (an 18-inch) wide set of gas logs. He agreed to have them do the work. My husband interacted with the two installers. They seemed to be careful at their initial visit and upon their return, as they did put down a heavy blanket. When I saw the fireplace after they installers had left, we turned it on and I was disappointed in the appearance of the logs and that they sit higher than the previous ones, so much so that there’s very little “fire” viewable from a normal standing or sitting position. Still, there were several small (~1/4”) chips in the black granite base after they left. Although the fireplace functions as it should, my complaint is with the quality of my conversations and interactions with the company. The first call was to schedule the initial visit. I was surprised at the price of $199, but was told that others companies charge $350. When I called the second time a day after the installers had left, one of the installers answered. He told me that “all sales are final” and the customer is “always” shown a video or photos of insert selections. However, neither I nor my husband were shown either video or photos, and since he was one of the installers, he knew very well that that was the case. Yet he replied that that would have been the “first time ever” a customer wouldn’t have been shown either video or photo of the proposed installation. The man on the phone said that I should have “said something” before they left. Granted, I should have, and we should have received a written estimate listing the unit to be installed, and the cost. Not only did the company not provide a written estimate, the installer wrote “N/A” on the signature line for both the service slip and the installation slip. As consumers, we erred majorly on this project. Lesson learned. Nonetheless, he was totally inflexible about any accommodation at all, and in my view not customer friendly, and I felt bullied with both of these conversations when considered together. I told him that I would put in a review about my experience, and he responded, “That’s why we have lawyers!” So, to summarize my review – functionally, the log set, and burner operate properly, but I don’t think they were the best choice for our particular installation. I would not recommend this company, though, based on my customer service experience.