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How to Find a Good Housecleaning Service
The first step in farming out your chores is to decide whether to hire a company or an individual. Hiring a company has one major advantage: You do not assume the responsibilities associated with the role of an employer, such as filling out paperwork and paying various taxes.
How to Hire an Individual Housecleaner
Many consumers prefer to hire an individual for housecleaning help, rather than a service. But doing your own hiring brings the responsibilities associated with the role of an employer, such as filling out paperwork and paying various taxes.
Guidelines for Managing Household Employees
The National Committee on Household Employment, before it closed its doors, developed a set of standards for employers and their household employees. The guidelines presented here are from its Code of Standards for Household Employment.
How to Spot the Best Carpet Cleaning Services
Even if you turn into "that host" who makes everyone leave their shoes inside the front door, there's no way to avoid it: You'll eventually need to have your carpet and rugs cleaned.
How to Save Money on Carpet Cleaning
Along with high-quality work, pay close attention to what services cost. Some companies push unneeded add-ons. And prices for identical services can vary from company to company by more than 100 percent.
In-Plant Rug Cleaning
Rugs require expert specialized care to come clean. They can be permanently damaged if cleaned using improper methods or with poorly mixed chemicals. Delicate handmade or antique rugs can be ruined if dyes run, fringes tear, and warpage and shrinkage occurs.
Can a Personal Organizer Help You Clean Up Your Act?
If you’re like many Americans, you have so much stuff you can’t control it. It might be time to call in a professional organizer. These specialists can help clear out and clean up garages, closets, dirty dens, even your computer’s hard drive.
Case Study #1: Laundry Room Horror Show
This mess was years in the making. A few years ago, I worked with “Sally” to bring order to my family room and mud room. I decided to hire her again.
Case Study #2: Compact Kitchen Needs a Heaping Serving of Zen
Our house’s open floorplan serves my brood well, but our limited kitchen storage space had become a disaster—and I didn’t know how to fix it.
Decluttering Strategies: Ways to Shed Your Stuff and Simplify Your Life
From a toss-out-almost-everything approach to hiring a pro organizer, here are concepts and resources for deciding what to keep and what to toss.
How to Get Rid of Stuff: Our A to Z Guide, from Apple Cores to Zillions of Books
Garages so stuffed they won’t hold cars, black hole-style closets overflowing with clothes you never wear. We’ve got strategies on clearing the clutter and cleaning out everything from toys to old dishes to Granddad’s ugly recliner.
Clothing Resale Options
You can hawk your past fashion at brick-and-mortar consignment shops or at online resale sites. We’ve got tips and tricks for getting the most money out of last year’s shoes and shirts.