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Should You Hire a Painter or Do It Yourself?
A good painting contractor will produce better results than most DIYers—and finish faster. But because they don't have to pay for their own labor, lots of homeowners grab rollers and brushes. Before taking the painting plunge, consider the following.
How to Choose Paint
Eggshell. Latex. Semi-gloss. Oil. There are so many vocabulary words surrounding types of house paint, you might think you need a dictionary. Consider this our primer on figuring out what’s in the can and where to use it.
Swatch Your Step: How to Pick Paint Colors
Visit any paint store, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the rainbow coalition of colors—most paint manufacturers produce hues by the thousands, not dozens. So how do you choose?
How to Find a Good Plumber
Plumbing is seldom exciting. It works fine for years, faithfully filling, flowing, and flushing. But when a pipe leaks water through your kitchen ceiling, the excitement may become more than you can stand.
How to Deal with Your Plumber
With any company you choose, dealing wisely with the plumber nets better work and saves you money. Whether you need a remodeling job or repairs, if possible, get a written price quote before work begins.
Plumbing Dos and Don’ts
Following these rules will help reduce the seriousness and frequency of plumbing problems.
Where to Find Good HVAC Help
To make sure your heating and air-conditioning systems work when needed, they must be properly installed and maintained. We’ve rated heating and air-conditioning services for quality and price.
What to Do If You Need HVAC Repairs
If you know the repair you need, get price quotes from at least three highly rated companies—a bit of shopping will pay off big time.
Choosing New HVAC Equipment and Getting It Installed Properly
How well a new HVAC system performs, and how much it costs, depends heavily on its design and the quality of installation. It’s important to make the right decisions—and there are many to make. You also must make sure to get a fair contract.
How to Find a Reliable Roofer
Roofing work is expensive, and, if you hire the wrong contractor, you can spend thousands of dollars too much and still get terrible work.
Avoiding a Shakedown for Roofing Costs
When hiring a roofer, quality of work should be your primary consideration. Once you have identified roofers that measure up on quality, get several fixed-price bids for the work. You’ll find big roofer-to-roofer price differences for the same job.
How to Tell It’s Time for a New Roof
Different types of roofs have different lifespans. Your inspections will reveal whether the entire roof is due for replacement.