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What Assisted Living Offers
Assisted living communities offer a wide range of services and function under different operational models, from bare-bones small group homes to plush apartment complex-style digs with hundreds of units.
Alternatives to Assisted Living
Before shopping for an assisted living spot, consider other potential senior living arrangements.
How to Choose an Assisted Living Community
Identify a handful of prospective communities, then call them and ask a lot of questions. There’s much at stake, so you need to choose smartly.
Creating an Aging-Friendly Space
Most U.S. residences are designed for families without disabled members. To get your home in shape for your senior years, you can retrofit spaces with things like grab bars and non-slip rugs, or renovate rooms using universal design principles.
Resources and Help for Seniors
Many older adults need help with tasks ranging from transportation to medical appointments and doing laundry to medication management and meal prep. There are many resources that can help.
Hiring Help at Home for Seniors
If your parent needs help part of the day with, say, getting dressed and making meals, or if she needs a full-time companion who can do a few chores around the house, private in-home care can be a godsend.
How to Find an Estate Sale Company
The best estate-sale outfits employ staffers with accurate appraisal skills and that will widely advertise your sale to bring in lots of buyers (remember, you get paid only for stuff that sells).
How Estate Sales Work
After you hire a liquidator, its staffers will come in and appraise, price, and arrange the house’s contents. Here’s what to expect from the experience, from contract to after-sale check.
Auctions, Online Estate Sales, Buyouts, and Other Options
Traditional, in-person sales aren’t your only option for liquidating a house’s worth of possessions. You can hire a company to hawk your stuff online or via auction or just accept a lump-sum payout.
Decluttering Strategies: Ways to Shed Your Stuff and Simplify Your Life
From a toss-out-almost-everything approach to hiring a pro organizer, here are concepts and resources for deciding what to keep and what to toss.
How to Get Rid of Stuff: Our A to Z Guide, from Apple Cores to Zillions of Books
Garages so stuffed they won’t hold cars, black hole-style closets overflowing with clothes you never wear. We’ve got strategies on clearing the clutter and cleaning out everything from toys to old dishes to Granddad’s ugly recliner.
Clothing Resale Options
You can hawk your past fashion at brick-and-mortar consignment shops or at online resale sites. We’ve got tips and tricks for getting the most money out of last year’s shoes and shirts.