Barrington Ace Hardware

906 S Northwest Hwy
Barrington, IL 60010 847-304-4325
Checkbook's Top Rating
Quality NO
Price NO

Prices for Barrington Ace Hardware

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Consumer Ratings for Barrington Ace Hardware — 57 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all hardware stores
Overall quality what is this?
Advice on choice and use of products what is this?
Promptness of service what is this?
Staff attitudes/atmosphere what is this?
Variety of products what is this?
Ease of looking at/testing products what is this?
Reliability what is this?

Consumer Comments for Barrington Ace Hardware

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Consumer from Lake Zurich, IL
Aug 16, 2020
Ace Hardware Barrington has just about anything you need for your home and garden. There is always someone to help you find what you need or to give you advice. While they frequently have good sales and promotions, be aware that you will be paying more for this convenience and service.
Consumer from Chicago, IL
Nov 07, 2017
They treated me well and they treated me super well satisfied I'm