AV Painting

Seattle, WA 98166 206-390-4958



Consumer Ratings for AV Painting — 6 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for AV Painting

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Consumer from Seattle, WA
Jan 23, 2023
Generally very satisfied with their work, except for one problem: The (first) estimate they gave us was the lowest one we received, but when we tried to accept it they said it had been a mistake, and they rebid the job (at a price comparable to other bids we received) at a significantly higher price. Could have been an honest mistake, or could have been a bait and switch. I'd use them again, as they did a good job at what seemed to be a reasonable price, but I'd be on guard.
Consumer from Seattle, WA
Aug 06, 2022
Very best paintong compny I have delt with. The workerd are hard working and very polite.
Consumer from Seattle, WA
Feb 14, 2022

...and 3 more consumer comments for AV Painting