Salon West Wind

2407 152nd Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052 425-643-2608



Consumer Ratings for Salon West Wind — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Salon West Wind

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Consumer from Bellevue, WA
May 07, 2019
Not Recommended
The owners of this salon are absolutely terrible people. Jane, one of the salon owners is a terrible alcoholic. She keeps a half gallon grey goose bottle under the front desk with a liter of soda for a chaser AT ALL TIMES. She got so shithouse wasted one time that she fucking PUKED all over one of the employees clients BRAND NEW FUCKING PAIR OF BOOTS!!! She is mean, unfair, cheap..... I could go on and on but I’ll just keep it at that. The other owner Kay.... well, she is really a mixed bag because she is a very sweet sweet person. She really honestly and genuinely seems to care about her. Staff and what goes on in the salon but she unfortunately doesn’t have that much say on anything.... she definitely doesn’t get to make much of any decision making... she deals more with the greeting of people and all that stuff, the “face” of the establishment... but her deal is her INAPPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIP WITH A SELECT FEW OF HER REGULAR MEN CLIENTS... she has very awkward interactions with her male clients.. usually what will end up happening is she will have one of her regular male clients come in and she will go to the pedicure chairs and give them pedicures, and they of course always bring in some kind of gift or something for her and the salon... like pastries or something of that nature.... when she is finished with their service Kay ALWAYS leaves with the client... right in the middle of the day. When she does this, she is is gone for quite an extended period of time and when she arrives, she shows up looking very disheveled and rushed.... I forgot to mention Kay’s appearance..... she is pretty but she often times dresses very provocative and revealing and you can tell that she has has lots of plastic surgery and likes to show it off... I have often thought that the salon is just a cover up business for like... a whore house or something... I know that it sounds just completely terrible but it’s true... that is how I have felt about the place... I am a former employee. When I worked there I only got commission... it was 60%-40%.... I got the 40% and they treated me really shitty..