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Subscribe and see 47 Puget Sound area lawn mower repair shops

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Kingston Small Engine Repair

29631 Rash Rd NE
Kingston, WA 98346 360-297-4711

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Kermit the Frog once crooned “It’s Not Easy Being Green.” If you have a lawn, you can relate: It’s not easy keeping things green. Here's how to plot a course, whether you call in the pros or go it alone.

Lawn care services work with different products and techniques, but the results they promise are similar. Companies usually offer customers a selection of “packages” that include specified treatment plans to take place over the course of a year.

Chemicals used in lawn care treatments can be transported from your hands to your mouth, or can readily enter your body through your skin or eyes, or through inhalation. Furthermore, children may actually ingest treated grass.

On occasion your trees might become shady characters, done in—and perhaps ultimately brought down—by disease or damage or both. Here's how to find a great branch manager.

Once you have chosen a company that can do the work well, price becomes your primary consideration. Our undercover shoppers found huge company-to-company price differences for the same jobs.

You don’t have to be an expert to spot many potential tree problems. Like most plants, trees have ways of indicating distress. Examine your trees several times a year for these signs of trouble.