Inova Loudoun Hospital

44045 Riverside Pkwy
Leesburg, VA 20176 703-858-6000
Checkbook's Top Rating
Complex care
Simple care
Inpatient care

Summary Ratings for Inova Loudoun Hospital

Ratings From Physicians for complex emergency care what is this?
Ratings From Physicians for simple emergency care what is this?

Patient ratings for Inova Loudoun Hospital — 165 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all emergency rooms
Overall Care what is this?
Speed of service what is this?
Staff pleasantness what is this?
Effort to relieve patient's anxiety/discomfort what is this?
Listening to/communicating with patient what is this?
Helpfulness in arranging follow-up care what is this?

Timely & Effective Care for Inova Loudoun Hospital

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How Often Hospital Followed "Best Treatment" Guidelines for Stroke Cases
How Often Hospital Followed "Best Treatment" Guidelines for Heart Attack Cases
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to be Seen by a Healthcare Professional
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to be Admitted
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to get to Room After Decision to Admit
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to Receive Care and Be Sent Home
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to Receive Pain Medication for Broken Bones
Percent of Patients Who Left Without Being Seen

Front-line capabilities for Inova Loudoun Hospital

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Specialists always on duty
or Subscribe
Number of emergency department cases per year
Trauma center designation
Emergency medicine certified doctor always on duty

Ratings for Inpatient Care for Inova Loudoun Hospital

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all emergency rooms
Risk-adjusted death rate for all selected case types what is this?
Overall Rating by Patients for Inpatient Care
Doctor's ratings for high-risk adult surgery what is this?
The Leapfrog Group's Hospital Safety ScoreSM

Consumer Comments for Inova Loudoun Hospital

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Consumer from ALEXANDRIA, VA
Feb 07, 2024
After a bike accident their ER ran urine analysis with knowledge nor consent, and charged for it... and of course there was nothing to find.
Consumer from Herndon, VA
Oct 26, 2023
When I went for a seriously cut finger that wouldn’t stop bleeding, they were great although I did have to wait for close to an hour. That visit gets an excellent rating. When I want for what turned out to be a diseased gall bladder in need of removal, on the first visit they misdiagnosed me as having gastroenteritis (symptom of throwing up bile suggested that they should have run a screening test). The second time it happened, I didn’t bother going back, but had a virtual visit with my G/I doctor, who made a correct tentative diagnosis over the phone and ordered a test to confirm. Before I received the order for the test, it happened and was much worse. I went back to the ER and had emergency surgery. Had the initial diagnosis been correct it would not have been an emergency and my gall bladder wound not have come very close to bursting. For the initial gall bladder visit, rating is poor; for the second gall bladder visit, rating is excellent. I would still go back. Regarding the survey, none of the questions ask about whether the treatment provided was effective, which should be the most important measure.
Consumer from Waterford, VA
Oct 21, 2023
I had 2 visits to the Inova Loudoun Hospital ER within the span of 1 week for unrelated medical problems. Both times I found the care excellent. Doctors, physicians, and nurses were thorough and explained procedures and reasons very well. The visits took longer than I had expected, but they were dealing with many other patients, so I think they worked as quickly as possible under the circumstances.

...and 21 more consumer comments for Inova Loudoun Hospital