Sunrise at Fair Oaks

3750 Joseph Siewick Dr
Fairfax, VA 22033 703-264-0506



Consumer Ratings for Sunrise at Fair Oaks — 2 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Staff's friendliness/respect/concern
How well staff listen/communicate
Speed and punctuality of service
Teamwork/coordination of staff
Quality of food
Atmosphere and comfort of rooms
Staff's skill/caring/responsiveness
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Sunrise at Fair Oaks

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Consumer from Fairfax, VA
Aug 18, 2022
Consumer from Fairfax, VA
Oct 10, 2019
Not Recommended
Be careful when reading their recommendations as many were made by people just touring the facility. It looks very nice and is kept very clean. Most of the residents you encounter on the 1st floor seem fairly happy there, but these are the same 15 that inhabit that area all day every day versus the other 90 or so that live there. The food does not appeal to my mother, and the incentive to eat in the dining room is that eating in your room ensures your meal will be cold, sides will be missing, etc. She does not get her medications on time (give or take an hour they say), call buttons remain unanswered for 10 to 15 minutes OFTEN, wash must not be done in cold water as everything shrinks, or arrives back in the drawers wet. Things have disappeared from her room, etc., etc.. I don't think it's any worse than any other place out there, but I could go on and on with other things that have slipped through the cracks for the people living there that are not able to 100% take care of themselves. English as a 2nd language is frequently an issue, especially in terms of getting what you ordered for a meal. If you someone who is going to advocate for your loved one while they are there, you'll probably be OK, but just because your paying more doesn't mean you've got extra people looking out for your loved one. I'm sure it's better than most, but if I wasn't there daily to fight my mom's battles, I don't know what would happen. I don't know that any of these places are staffed well enough. For the residents who really need "assistance," I'm not sure who is looking out for them and their deficiencies.