Khursheed K Khine

5272 Dawes Ave
Alexandria, VA 22311 703-646-8098



Consumer Ratings for Khursheed K Khine — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Listening to/communicating with you
Giving helpful advice
Thoroughness, carefulness, and apparent competence
Producing the results you expect
Keeping down waiting time
Overall quality of care

Consumer Comments for Khursheed K Khine

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Consumer from Alexandria, VA
Sep 06, 2018
Dr. Khine helped me find the right treatment for my anxiety for which I am very greatful. Her bedside manner is rather straightforward but I feel she is generally a good listener. I think she good medication knowledge and can help you find the right treatment. Those looking for a more therapy based approach though may be better served elsewhere.