Fong, Stephen W.

990 W Fremont Ave #S
Sunnyvale, CA 94087408-736-4101
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Consumer Ratings for Fong, Stephen W. — 21 Ratings

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Percent of patients who rated dentist "superior" for: | = average for all dentists
Overall care what is this?
Arranging an appointment quickly when needed what is this?
Keeping down time in waiting room and delays in chair what is this?
Explaining and checking prevention methods (flossing, brushing, etc.) what is this?
Asking about symptoms or problems you may have what is this?
Discussing diagnosis, treatment options, and costs what is this?
Being gentle what is this?
Producing the results you expect what is this?

Fees for Fong, Stephen W.

Price comparison score

Consumer Comments for Fong, Stephen W.

Register here and see full info on Fong, Stephen W., FREE.
Consumer from Belmont, CA
Feb 23, 2024
Dr. Fong is a highly competent and pleasant dentist. His staff is/are highly professional and go out of their way to address your problems/concerns.
Consumer from Sunnyvale, CA
Aug 19, 2021
He and his daughter Meghan Fong DDS ( new addition to practice) have always given me options while discussing pros and cons as well as price differences; have never pushed me to go for more expensive option. His dental work has stood the test of time ( been patient over 20 years).
Consumer from Milpitas, CA
Mar 02, 2018
unfortunately we cannot see Dr. Fong anymore. (we were his patient for 30 years!)