Bilikas, Michael L.

200 Lake Washington Blvd
Seattle, WA 98122206-322-8862
For Quality:
For Price:

Additional Locations

8100 27th St W
University Place, WA 98466253-564-7911

Consumer Ratings for Bilikas, Michael L. — 12 Ratings

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Percent of patients who rated dentist "superior" for: | = average for all dentists
Overall care what is this?
Arranging an appointment quickly when needed what is this?
Keeping down time in waiting room and delays in chair what is this?
Explaining and checking prevention methods (flossing, brushing, etc.) what is this?
Asking about symptoms or problems you may have what is this?
Discussing diagnosis, treatment options, and costs what is this?
Being gentle what is this?
Producing the results you expect what is this?

Fees for Bilikas, Michael L.

Price comparison score

Consumer Comments for Bilikas, Michael L.

Register here and see full info on Bilikas, Michael L., FREE.
Consumer from Seattle, WA
Oct 29, 2020
I've been using them for years and have found them to be excellent.
Consumer from Seattle, WA
Dec 03, 2014
Bilikis provides descent technical care but I always feel like a revenue source, rather than a valued patient, in his office.
Consumer from SEATTLE, WA
Aug 19, 2013
My main complaint about this dentist is that he keeps having to re-do his work. He's good about not charging you for re-dos, but I don't like to keep having to go back because some filling or crown has fallen out. Second complaint is that he has two offices, one in Tacoma, one in Seattle and it is hard to figure out his availability or to reach anybody. Prepare to leave messages.