Piazza Property Pros

14 Crozerville Road Front
Aston, PA 19014 610-566-2608



Consumer Ratings for Piazza Property Pros — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Piazza Property Pros

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Consumer from Broomall, PA
Jun 22, 2019
I have mixed reviews for these landscapers. The first time we use them we had an excellent experience and very good customer service. This last time we use them they seemed very disorganized, they did not show up on the day that we were scheduled for, and were unable to complete a task that we had asked to be done because of a wasps nest. Then when we got our invoice the bill still included this work. They later corrected it but overall they just seemed very disorganized this year. I still like them and they do good work and their prices are very reasonable.