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How to Shop for Window Treatments
When it comes to decking out your windows, you’ll find so many choices, optional features, and price ranges that it’s easy to get blindsided by the process. Here’s our advice on how to buy the right stuff.
Which Window Treatment Is Right for Your Window?
Plantation shutters. Roman shades. Good ol’ curtains. There are so many ways to cover your windows that it’s tempting to just tape newspaper over the panes and be done with it. Here are the best options to block light, keep prying eyes at bay, or just dress up the joint.
Getting Good Prices on Window Treatments
For many types and brands of window treatments, it pays to shop around. We report here costs quoted to Checkbook’s undercover shoppers when they sought prices for several types of window treatments at a sampling of local stores and online outlets.
How to Find a Good Upholstery Shop
Buying furniture means spending lots of money and making lots of decisions. Style? Fabric? Pattern? It’s enough to make you want to keep your old stuff. Which might not be such a bad idea. A skilled upholsterer can make old pieces look new again.
Is It Worth It to Reupholster Furniture?
A good piece of furniture deserves a second chance. But if you’re thinking of redoing a sofa, chair, or headboard, first take a dispassionate look and decide whether it will last long enough to justify the cost of reupholstering.
Should You Hire a Painter or Do It Yourself?
A good painting contractor will produce better results than most DIYers—and finish faster. But because they don't have to pay for their own labor, lots of homeowners grab rollers and brushes. Before taking the painting plunge, consider the following.
How to Choose Paint
Eggshell. Latex. Semi-gloss. Oil. There are so many vocabulary words surrounding types of house paint, you might think you need a dictionary. Consider this our primer on figuring out what’s in the can and where to use it.
Swatch Your Step: How to Pick Paint Colors
Visit any paint store, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the rainbow coalition of colors—most paint manufacturers produce hues by the thousands, not dozens. So how do you choose?
Window Shopping Guide
The type of windows you buy will affect your home’s appearance, the amount of light admitted, your comfort, and energy savings. Plus, some windows last longer than others.
Finding the Best Window Installers
We receive a disturbing number of complaints from consumers regarding window installation work, often about companies that advertise heavily. Many complaints are about sloppy work.
What to Get in Writing for Window Replacement Work
Whichever window company you choose, make sure you have a tight contract that includes all details on the product and installation, payment schedule, work schedule, and guarantees.
How to Spot the Best Carpet Cleaning Services
Even if you turn into "that host" who makes everyone leave their shoes inside the front door, there's no way to avoid it: You'll eventually need to have your carpet and rugs cleaned.