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Take Charge of Your Healthcare
Take charge by selecting the best doctors and other providers and making decisions about your medical care. Here's how.
How to Find the Best Doctors
The most important thing you can do to assure yourself high-quality medical care is to form a strong relationship with a good primary care physician and, at times, together make informed decisions on specialty care.
Does It Matter If Your Doctor Is Board Certified?
We advise consumers to select physicians who are “board certified,” and we report on board certification status in our ratings tables. Here’s what board certification means and why it is important.
Finding a Good Shoe Repair Shop
Our ratings will help you find shops that offer top-quality shoe repairs at reasonable prices.
Dealing with a Shoe Repair Shop
Here are a few basic steps to follow in dealing with whatever shop you choose.
Does Acupuncture Really Work?
There’s no clear answer as to whether the positive results most patients experience from acupuncture are from a placebo effect. But since it usually works and, when properly performed, involves very few risks and virtually no negative side effects, maybe you shouldn’t overthink it.
Acupuncture History and Trends
Acupuncture is a treatment that stimulates various body points by penetrating the skin with thin metal needles. The approach draws on various medical traditions from China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries, some dating back as far as 2,000 years.