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We have home health agency ratings for these seven metro areas.
What Assisted Living Offers

What Assisted Living Offers

Assisted living communities offer a wide range of services and function under different operational models, from bare-bones small group homes to plush apartment complex-style digs with hundreds of units.

Alternatives to Assisted Living

Alternatives to Assisted Living

Before shopping for an assisted living spot, consider other potential senior living arrangements.

How to Choose an Assisted Living Community

How to Choose an Assisted Living Community

Identify a handful of prospective communities, then call them and ask a lot of questions. There’s much at stake, so you need to choose smartly.

Creating an Aging-Friendly Space

Creating an Aging-Friendly Space

Most U.S. residences are designed for families without disabled members. To get your home in shape for your senior years, you can retrofit spaces with things like grab bars and non-slip rugs, or renovate rooms using universal design principles.

Resources and Help for Seniors

Resources and Help for Seniors

Many older adults need help with tasks ranging from transportation to medical appointments and doing laundry to medication management and meal prep. There are many resources that can help.

Hiring Help at Home for Seniors

Hiring Help at Home for Seniors

If your parent needs help part of the day with, say, getting dressed and making meals, or if she needs a full-time companion who can do a few chores around the house, private in-home care can be a godsend.

Take Charge of Your Healthcare

Take Charge of Your Healthcare

Take charge by selecting the best doctors and other providers and making decisions about your medical care. Here's how.

How to Find the Best Doctors

How to Find the Best Doctors

The most important thing you can do to assure yourself high-quality medical care is to form a strong relationship with a good primary care physician and, at times, together make informed decisions on specialty care.

Does It Matter If Your Doctor Is Board Certified?

Does It Matter If Your Doctor Is Board Certified?

We advise consumers to select physicians who are “board certified,” and we report on board certification status in our ratings tables. Here’s what board certification means and why it is important.

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

About 15 percent of American adults report having some hearing loss, and the odds jump dramatically with age. Here are some signs that you may have hearing loss.

Types of Hearing Loss

Types of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is extremely common. It can be a normal part of the aging process and, for many, an inevitable result of living in a noisy society. There are two primary types of hearing loss: sensorineural loss and conductive loss.

Before Buying Any Hearing Aid, Get Evaluated

Before Buying Any Hearing Aid, Get Evaluated

Suspect you have hearing loss? Start by consulting your primary care doc or an ear, nose, and throat specialist (also called an “otolaryngologist”) to rule out treatable medical problems before purchasing a hearing aid.