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Where to Get Help Making Decisions About Planning a Funeral
Most people need help making funeral arrangements. Obvious sources of help are family, friends, members of the clergy, and hospital social workers. But specialized organizations can help as well.
Checklist of Tasks to Perform After a Death
After a loved one dies, in addition to planning the funeral itself, a number of associated details require attention. Friends, coworkers, and fellow congregants can play a major role in relieving the bereaved family of many of these tasks.
Selecting a Funeral Home
We advise that you never go by yourself to a funeral home to choose services. Take along a less-involved companion to assure you that sensible decisions are made.
Estate Planning Tasks and Tips
Planning for what happens to your possessions and money after you die requires making many decisions. Here are some basic dos and definite don’ts that will save you hassles and money—and avoid common mistakes.
Creating a Roadmap for Your Heirs
To help your heirs unravel your finances, maintain a list of your major assets and accounts and where they can find your end-of-life documents. We've gathered a list of what to include.
Hiring Estate-Planning Experts
Unless your situation is very straightforward, have your will prepared by an experienced lawyer, and hire a financial planner or estate attorney to organize your finances.
Florists that Offer the Best Services and Prices
Buying a floral arrangement is like buying art. You’ll want a florist whose use of color and flower types fits your individual taste. This is even more important if you are spending thousands of dollars on blooms for a wedding or other special occasion. Here’s how to pick the best.
Where to Buy Flowers for Less
If you want delivery, exotic flowers, or need advice, your best bet is a florist. But if you’re willing to pick up the posies yourself and want to save a lot of money, you have several other options.
Need to Have Flowers Delivered Out of Town?
When you need to send flowers to someone outside the area, what do you do? We review the options, and advise you on how to deal with each to ensure you and your special someone on the other end are happy with the results.