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The Keys to Hiring a Good Locksmith
Need to upgrade or add locks? You’ll need a good locksmith. Here is how to get excellent advice and solid workmanship at a reasonable price.
Picking the Right Locks for Your Home
Taking basic steps to secure the perimeter of your home will be more effective at preventing intrusion than installing a burglar alarm and cameras. Start by making sure all your home’s exterior doors have good locks—and remain diligent about using them.
Window Shopping Guide
The type of windows you buy will affect your home’s appearance, the amount of light admitted, your comfort, and energy savings. Plus, some windows last longer than others.
Finding the Best Window Installers
We receive a disturbing number of complaints from consumers regarding window installation work, often about companies that advertise heavily. Many complaints are about sloppy work.
What to Get in Writing for Window Replacement Work
Whichever window company you choose, make sure you have a tight contract that includes all details on the product and installation, payment schedule, work schedule, and guarantees.