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Take Charge of Your Healthcare
Take charge by selecting the best doctors and other providers and making decisions about your medical care. Here's how.
How to Find the Best Doctors
The most important thing you can do to assure yourself high-quality medical care is to form a strong relationship with a good primary care physician and, at times, together make informed decisions on specialty care.
Does It Matter If Your Doctor Is Board Certified?
We advise consumers to select physicians who are “board certified,” and we report on board certification status in our ratings tables. Here’s what board certification means and why it is important.
Finding a Dentist Who Makes You Smile
The feedback we collected from consumers on their dentists indicate substantial differences in patient care from dentist to dentist.
How to Take a Big Bite Out of Dental Costs
When choosing a dentist, you should care most about quality of care. But for many patients, cost matters, too. Fortunately, we found that many dentists who rated high on all aspects of care and service also had low fees.
Dental Specialties: Who Does What?
Endodontists and periodontists and prosthodontists, oh my! Here’s who does what.