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Before Joining a Gym, Exercise Your Options
Before joining a gym, think about your own motivations and interests—and consider alternatives. Set realistic fitness goals, then think about whether you really need to pay a company big bucks for activities that are probably available more cheaply elsewhere.
How to Compare Gyms and Fitness Centers
When comparing fitness clubs, consider several points, including what its members say, its location, membership fees, contract terms, facilities and equipment, classes, and amenities.
How to Avoid Getting Burned by a Gym Membership
Membership at many clubs doesn’t come cheap. Although some bare-bones gyms cost about $200 a year, many charge more than $600. Want a club that offers racquet sports or a wide range of facilities and amenities? Expect to pay a lot more.
Florists that Offer the Best Services and Prices
Buying a floral arrangement is like buying art. You’ll want a florist whose use of color and flower types fits your individual taste. This is even more important if you are spending thousands of dollars on blooms for a wedding or other special occasion. Here’s how to pick the best.
Where to Buy Flowers for Less
If you want delivery, exotic flowers, or need advice, your best bet is a florist. But if you’re willing to pick up the posies yourself and want to save a lot of money, you have several other options.
Need to Have Flowers Delivered Out of Town?
When you need to send flowers to someone outside the area, what do you do? We review the options, and advise you on how to deal with each to ensure you and your special someone on the other end are happy with the results.