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How Water Gets Into Your Basement
Most serious basement moisture problems occur when water leaks or seeps through basement floors, through joints between floors and walls, or through walls below ground level during or after rainstorms.
How to Solve Basement Moisture Problems
There are a number of ways to treat below-ground rainwater leakages, with advantages and disadvantages to each. The first step is to check gutters and downspouts. Then inspect the soil around your house to make sure it is properly graded.
Who to Hire for Wet Basement Help
Once you decide on the best way to solve your wet basement problem, how do you get the work done?
We Got 12 Home Inspections and Were Astonished at How Poorly Many of the Inspectors Performed
Given that we received very mixed reviews for home inspection services in our surveys of local consumers, we expected some companies in our test would perform better than others. But what really miffed us was how little work many inspectors bothered to do.
How to Inspect Your Home Inspector
Before hiring an inspector, get feedback from previous customers, ask what he or she will and won’t do, get sample reports, check credentials, and ask what happens if something important is missed.
Should You Skip Getting an Inspection?
In many hot real estate markets, eager buyers competing for the same homes often waive inspection contingencies to sweeten their offers. But this doesn’t mean you can’t get an inspection; you just have to squeeze one in before you make an offer.
How to Find a Good Plumber
Plumbing is seldom exciting. It works fine for years, faithfully filling, flowing, and flushing. But when a pipe leaks water through your kitchen ceiling, the excitement may become more than you can stand.
How to Deal with Your Plumber
With any company you choose, dealing wisely with the plumber nets better work and saves you money. Whether you need a remodeling job or repairs, if possible, get a written price quote before work begins.
Plumbing Dos and Don’ts
Following these rules will help reduce the seriousness and frequency of plumbing problems.
What Is and Isn't Covered by Homeowners Insurance?
Insurance companies often promote policy features to make their plans seem superior to their competitors’. But most sell roughly the same coverage. Here's a rundown of what’s covered, what isn’t, and what’s optional.
How Are Homeowners Insurance Rates Determined?
The cost of your insurance policy depends not only on the coverage you select, but also on a number of other factors, some of which may surprise you.
Surprise! Your Credit Score Is a Huge Factor in Determining What You Pay for Insurance
Insurance companies increasingly are charging customers very different rates depending on secret formulas based on data unrelated to their customers’ actual claims histories or risk of damage.