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Auto Body Shops that Do Bang-up Jobs
While even the best body shops can't undo an accident, our ratings reveal that many shops will get your car back on the road without a hitch. But our ratings also reveal that some shops may compound your misery with lousy work.
Avoiding a Big Dent in Your Wallet When Paying for Auto Bodywork
Because insurance companies pay for most repairs, for most auto body repair customers cost is a less important consideration than quality. But if you’re picking up the tab, how much the shop charges is important.
Dealing with Your Insurer When Your Car Needs Body Repairs
If your insurance or another party’s insurance will pay for your repair, make sure the insurance company doesn’t cut corners. Your shop can be an expert ally in this effort, but you also must make the right moves.
How to Find a Good Auto Repair Shop
When your car breaks down or acts up, it’s a major inconvenience—and can be a major expense. That’s why finding a good mechanic or repair shop is so important. Our evaluations of shops will help you find great service and low prices.
How to Save Money on Car Repairs
Don’t assume using a low-cost shop means having to accept low-quality work: We found that top shops are more likely to offer low prices as lousy shops.
Is an Independent Shop or a Dealer Better for Car Repairs?
If your car is still covered under a new-car warranty, you’ll want to use a dealership for repairs. But if your car is no longer under warranty, you’re probably best off using an independent shop.
Finding the Right Car Detailer
For motorheads, a spotless vehicle is next to godliness. But even ordinary commuters and carpool chiefs can take joy in a newly cleaned ride. For less than $250, a detailing shop can cleanse your family’s sloppy sins and transform your ride, inside and out, leaving it looking used-car-lot new.
Should You Bother Washing or Detailing Your Car?
If you don't bother to detail or wash your you might lose a little resale value down the line, but probably not much. The reason to have your car detailed or washed is the same reason you comb your hair or wear a clean shirt: to look good.
What Do Car Detailers Do?
A basic detailing job takes several hours to complete and usually includes an exterior wash, claying, polishing, and waxing; an interior cleaning; and tire cleaning and treatments. Many shops also provide other services upon request.
Which Auto Insurance Companies Offer the Lowest Rates?
Our price comparisons of auto insurers reveal dramatic company-to-company rate differences—several hundred dollars a year for most consumers, and more than $1,500 per year for many. You don’t have to forsake service for a better rate.
Which Auto Insurance Companies Offer the Best Claims Service?
When shopping for insurance, many drivers care about more than just cost, and with good reason: If you have a claim, you want it to paid quickly and get back on the road with minimal hassle.
How Are Auto Insurance Premiums Calculated?
You might think that if you’ve been driving for many years without an accident and with few speeding tickets that insurance companies will offer you their best rates. Unfortunately, that’s not necessarily the case.