Prices for ALDI

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How store's overall prices compare to the average what is this?
How store's produce prices compare to the average what is this?
How store's meat prices compare to the average what is this?
How store's prices compare to the average when we substituted the cheapest items in place of national brands what is this?

Consumer Ratings for ALDI — 445 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated store "superior" for: | = average for all grocery stores & delivery services
Overall quality what is this?
Quality of fresh produce what is this?
Quality of meats what is this?
Variety of fresh produce what is this?
Variety of other products what is this?
Keeping things in stock what is this?
Convenience of store layout what is this?
Ease of finding prices what is this?
Speed of checkout what is this?
Staff helpfulness/pleasantness what is this?
Parking what is this?
Help loading car what is this?

Areas With Store Locations by ALDI:

  • Anoka Co.
  • Carver Co.
  • Dakota Co.
  • Hennepin Co.
  • Ramsey Co.
  • Scott Co.
  • Washington Co.
  • Wright Co.

Consumer Comments for ALDI

Register here and see full info on ALDI, FREE.
Consumer from Maple Grove, MN
Feb 20, 2025
Clean, well priced, and good at what they do
Consumer from Bloomington, MN
Feb 20, 2025
Go on Wednesday
Consumer from SAINT PAUL, MN
Nov 03, 2024
The Aldi store I go to is relatively small, so that limits the number and variety of products that they stock. I also find it troubling when I find a product I really like, and when I go back to re-purchase that product, it's gone (and isn't coming back). But let's face it, I shop there because the PRICES ARE SO LOW! Why pay $5 for a bag of chips at another store when Aldi only charges $2.50? Why pay $4+ for some cookies at another store when Aldi only charges $2.30? I'm always amazed when I look at my receipts from Aldi and see how little I spent for what I bought.

...and 157 more consumer comments for ALDI