Lewis Insulation

5297 Nelmark Ave NE
St Michael, MN 55376 763-477-2612



Consumer Ratings for Lewis Insulation — 8 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Lewis Insulation

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Consumer from Minneapolis, MN
Nov 27, 2023
Lewis Insulation added insulation to the walls of my 1904 home, coordinating with another company that was replacing the siding. The work was done in a timely and efficient manner. Communication was excellent.
Consumer from Minneapolis, MN
Jun 28, 2022
The owner came out to quote on insulating our attic. He took time to have a long discussion about our options given the age, size, and style of our house. He was super helpful and recommended (urged, really) to go the cheaper route (details below). Communication was excellent. Crew arrived on time, worked quickly, and the results have been noticeable. Price was in line with other quotes. Very pleased. The Gory Details. He directed us away from the "best" solution (spray foam) because our house was built in 1904. That would seal the attic too tight and prevent moisture from escaping. We would likely get moisture inside the attic and the walls, which would lead to rot and mold. His advice was to blow in attic insulation, push insulation into the roof slats, and seal the attic hatch. It would be more affordable and pay for itself within a few years. It would be a big improvement over what we have now (it is). The chance of problems down the road would be low. This aligned with what I had read in my own research and recommendations I had received from several roofers, contractors, and another insulation firm. Other solutions would be "better" in terms of insulation, reducing heat loss, reducing energy costs, etc. But they were more expensive, more complicated, and increased the chances of problems such as moisture accumulation and worse. These solutions are great for more modern home, but not for old homes like ours, which are the norm in our neighborhood. What I had learned from other sources aligned with this and I felt comfortable with his advice. He never tried to upsell me into a better solution. He was clear about the difference between what was "best" and what was "best for our home."
Consumer from Saint Paul, MN
Oct 15, 2021

...and 5 more consumer comments for Lewis Insulation