Sound Hearing Instruments

7745 2nd Ave S #1
Richfield, MN 55423 612-294-8675
Checkbook's Top Rating
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Consumer Ratings for Sound Hearing Instruments — 73 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all hearing centers
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Consumer Comments for Sound Hearing Instruments

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Consumer from Saint Paul, MN
Jan 26, 2022
I have been with Sound Hearing since I bought my hearing aids in 2013. The aids have been very reliable during tht time. The ones I have use replaceable batteries and Sound provides life-time supply free. I come in annually for a free check-up and cleaning & adjustment as needed. Service is very friendly and professional. Highly recommend!
Consumer from Minneapolis, MN
Mar 22, 2021
I visited them for a TruHearing examination, which was very thorough. Results were explained clearly to me by the audiologist. He also provided useful information to me about the hearing aids I eventually purchased. The office atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant.
Consumer from Minneapolis, MN
Oct 20, 2020
Quality remains high with change of ownership a few years ago.

...and 10 more consumer comments for Sound Hearing Instruments