Gallagher Financial Services

2586 7th Ave E #304
North St Paul, MN 55109 651-774-8759



Consumer Ratings for Gallagher Financial Services — 6 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Giving helpful advice
Doing work properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Gallagher Financial Services

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Consumer from Saint Paul, MN
May 05, 2020
I would highly reconmend Mark and his team.They really go out of their way to help you in all things
Consumer from Saint Paul, MN
Jan 24, 2020
Basic nice people. Much more satisfied with a company of this size that a big company where personnel changes constantly and the bottom line is more important than the people that are supporting the company. Some communication could be improved. Overall I would recommend this company. Would be nice if they would call a person in once a year to review their financial picture, their investments, maybe check up to see if anything has changed with the client or going to change. I try to remember to call them for a review but also have the feeling they are wondering why I need to check in if nothing has changed much. When it comes to financial stuff, if I could do it myself I would, maybe something has changed and to me it's not a big thing but it could affect my over all financial picture or taxes etc. They could send out a yearly survey asking us to review this or that, and are there any changes on the horizon, once they got a survey, maybe some of us should be coming in for an up-date, maybe not, would be a bit more reassuring they are paying attention to my investments that I have worked long and hard for.
Consumer from Saint Paul, MN
Mar 18, 2018
Mark and his co-workers go above and beyond for their cleints each and every time

...and 3 more consumer comments for Gallagher Financial Services