Fairview Southdale Hospital

6401 France Ave S
Edina, MN 55435 952-924-5000
Checkbook's Top Rating
Complex care
Simple care
Inpatient care

Summary Ratings for Fairview Southdale Hospital

Ratings From Physicians for complex emergency care what is this?
Ratings From Physicians for simple emergency care what is this?

Patient ratings for Fairview Southdale Hospital — 216 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all emergency rooms
Overall Care what is this?
Speed of service what is this?
Staff pleasantness what is this?
Effort to relieve patient's anxiety/discomfort what is this?
Listening to/communicating with patient what is this?
Helpfulness in arranging follow-up care what is this?

Timely & Effective Care for Fairview Southdale Hospital

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How Often Hospital Followed "Best Treatment" Guidelines for Stroke Cases
How Often Hospital Followed "Best Treatment" Guidelines for Heart Attack Cases
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to be Seen by a Healthcare Professional
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to be Admitted
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to get to Room After Decision to Admit
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to Receive Care and Be Sent Home
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to Receive Pain Medication for Broken Bones
Percent of Patients Who Left Without Being Seen

Front-line capabilities for Fairview Southdale Hospital

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Specialists always on duty
or Subscribe
Number of emergency department cases per year
Trauma center designation
Emergency medicine certified doctor always on duty

Ratings for Inpatient Care for Fairview Southdale Hospital

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all emergency rooms
Risk-adjusted death rate for all selected case types what is this?
Overall Rating by Patients for Inpatient Care
Doctor's ratings for high-risk adult surgery what is this?
The Leapfrog Group's Hospital Safety ScoreSM

Consumer Comments for Fairview Southdale Hospital

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Consumer from BLOOMINGTON, MN
Oct 17, 2024
The staff and service, once service begins, are superior. Triage for real emergencies is pretty good (e.g., my wife's heart attack). The problem is the nightmare of the waiting room. Seating is grossly uncomfortable; wait times can seem interminable when you are in pain, There are no cots to lie on while you wait, no separate area to avoid exposure to other patients. You must remember, if there's time, to bring reading or work materials so you don't end up sitting for 4 to 6 hours with only your pain to dwell on. Kidney stones don't seem to merit any more attention than a broken arm (I've had both, and believe me, you can handle a broken arm for quite a while, but kidney stones can be excruciating.) Once in, I felt the staff was highly professional and friendly, and very thorough with diagnosis.
Consumer from Eden Prairie, MN
Feb 10, 2024
Backlog in ER waiting room was terrible. Waited several hours before taken to treatment room. More waiting. Staff behind front desk exhibited insufficient concern. Little empathy. But once the Dr. came to the room, care was good. Not rushed to explain diagnosis and follow-up course of action.
Consumer from Minnetonka, MN
Jul 21, 2023
Initial response was fair because I arrived by ambulance for dislocated hip. I was left alone for long periods, incomplete application of urination device left me with soaked clothing, no follow-up walking to verify correction, no advice for follow up.

...and 29 more consumer comments for Fairview Southdale Hospital