Your Home Improvement Company

9555 James Ave S
Bloomington, MN 55431 952-522-3088



Consumer Ratings for Your Home Improvement Company — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Your Home Improvement Company

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Consumer from Saint Paul, MN
Feb 17, 2023
Not Recommended
Horrible experience. Contracted them through Home Depot expecting it would give some assurance of quality as we pay Home Depot and they pay the contractor. This was to replace the tub with a walk-in shower, something it was promised to take place in two days. Was a total disaster from the fact that it took 6 months for the material to be delivered to the poor installation and awful subcontracting. The installer took the old shower handle off without shutting the water off and flooded the bathroom floor as well as the laundry room beneath it. Once the plumbing sub-contractor re-did the necessary work to fit the new shower, he in turn snapped the cover off the valve he just installed and again flooded the shower, this time soaking new insulation and again the laundry room beneath. Caulking job was sloppy, and used non-paintable acrylic which showed up as we final coated the walls around the new shower only to discover smears and hand prints on the wall with said caulk so the paint would not stick. Had to have all of the caulking re-done by another individual. Several other items too numerous to mention. Suffice it to say it was the worst contracting experience I've ever had, and I, an amateur, could have done the job better myself in every respect, and have done so for all of the other rooms in the house including remodeling another bathroom requiring concrete, plumbing, drywall, tiling, etc. so I know what to expect. We 'negotiated' a significant discount from this contractor for the poor job done. Took three weeks to finally get it satisfactorily completed.