Arenas Pro Painting

Rockville, MD 20852 301-326-6631



Consumer Ratings for Arenas Pro Painting — 2 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Arenas Pro Painting

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Consumer from WASHINGTON, DC
May 15, 2024
Javier painted the exterior of my house after it had been neglected for more than a decade, and he patiently explained everything he proposed to do before giving me his estimate. None of the other painters I got estimates from bothered to detail what they intended to address, and yet Javier's bid ultimately turned out to be the best. He did a superb job, and I will definitely call him again.
Consumer from Washington, DC
Feb 15, 2021
Javier and his crew did a terrific job painting the exterior of our house. He was thorough and kept the work area very tidy each day during and after the work. Javier also came in with a very reasonable price that beat most of the other bids.