Oakbrook Management

10400 Connecticut Ave #400
Kensington , MD 20895 301-654-5107



Consumer Ratings for Oakbrook Management — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Giving helpful advice
Doing work properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Oakbrook Management

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Consumer from SILVER SPRING, MD
Sep 29, 2015
Not Recommended
The property management part of their services are inferior. They have not performed as promised and have done nothing to make community improved or look better. In fact, community looks worse. They have not advised Board of violations that exist and have participated in creating new violations of State or County code. They sought landscaper bids, but failed to develop a common list of requirements. This resulted in hodge podge of bids that were not comparable and did not lead to necessarily the best bid for the property, all things considered. Nothing professional about their property management. The association billing services they render are fine, in comparison.