trUe Salon and Color Cafe

1291 Worcester Rd Rte 9 W
Framingham, MA 01701 508-879-3130



Consumer Ratings for trUe Salon and Color Cafe — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for trUe Salon and Color Cafe

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Consumer from Framingham, MA
Apr 14, 2020
Had been going into the city, and spending a fortune, for a long time because I couldn't find a salon near home that could do anything with my short, too-many-cowlicks hair. I tried tRue almost as a last resort, after trying another salon that kept trying to get me to grow my hair into a long style and pay $400 for a keratin treatment. The staff at tRue was a godsend -- my first stylist looked at my hair, offered several options, and performed exactly as requested. No one tried to talk me into anything. I usually have a cut and dual-process color. tRue offers the option of trying different stylists; you can book whoever is available or choose a specific person. I tried three, and the clicked with Julianna, who is terrific. I love going there, and she does a great job. Best of all, I'm getting Newbury Street styling without the snobbery and at reasonable prices. I love this salon, and recommend them to anyone who asks.