Villa Park Ace

46 S Villa Ave
Villa Park, IL 60181 331-225-3000
Checkbook's Top Rating
Quality NO
Price NO

Prices for Villa Park Ace

Checkbook's price comparison score what is this?

Consumer Ratings for Villa Park Ace — 38 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all hardware stores
Overall quality what is this?
Advice on choice and use of products what is this?
Promptness of service what is this?
Staff attitudes/atmosphere what is this?
Variety of products what is this?
Ease of looking at/testing products what is this?
Reliability what is this?

Consumer Comments for Villa Park Ace

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Consumer from Elmhurst, IL
Jan 21, 2018
really like the store but pricing is high on most products and staff cover the spectrum from helpful and knowledgeable to seemingly just killing time while doing their job in front of you.
Consumer from BUFFALO GROVE, IL
Sep 06, 2017
They have most of what I need, (only so much they can fit in). Helpful, attentive staff!