Gus Bock's Ace Hardware

3455 Ridge Rd
Lansing, IL 60438 708-474-5940
Checkbook's Top Rating

Prices for Gus Bock's Ace Hardware

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Consumer Ratings for Gus Bock's Ace Hardware — 39 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all hardware stores
Overall quality what is this?
Advice on choice and use of products what is this?
Promptness of service what is this?
Staff attitudes/atmosphere what is this?
Variety of products what is this?
Ease of looking at/testing products what is this?
Reliability what is this?

Consumer Comments for Gus Bock's Ace Hardware

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Consumer from Lynwood, IL
Jun 01, 2023
I go here often and usually get great service except one time it was horrible. I'll count that as an unusual occurrence so I won't count that against them.
Consumer from Chicago Heights, IL
Aug 13, 2020
Always friendly, & helpful
Consumer from Lansing, IL
Jun 21, 2019
Since Gus Bock expanded to several locations in the area and switched from True Value to Ace, the quality of service has gone down a bit, but service overall is still very good.

...and 2 more consumer comments for Gus Bock's Ace Hardware