Leak & Sons Funeral Homes

18400 Pulaski Rd
Country Club Hills, IL 60478 708-206-0860
Checkbook's Top Rating
Quality NO

Prices for Leak & Sons Funeral Homes

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Checkbook's price comparison score what is this?
Price for our sample direct cremation what is this?
Price for our sample immediate burial what is this?
Price for our sample traditional funeral what is this?

Consumer Ratings for Leak & Sons Funeral Homes — 33 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all funeral homes
Overall quality what is this?
Doing service properly what is this?
Pleasantness of staff what is this?
Letting you know cost early what is this?
Advice on service options and costs what is this?

Consumer Comments for Leak & Sons Funeral Homes

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Sep 14, 2014
The professionalism and courtesies extended in arranging my mom's services were very much appreciated.