Med Vet

3305 N California Ave
Chicago, IL 60618 773-281-7110
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Consumer Ratings for Med Vet — 32 Ratings

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Maintaining pleasant office and staff what is this?
Giving prevention/self-help advice what is this?
Helping keep pet's medical costs down what is this?
Spending enough time with you what is this?
Apparent competence/thoroughness what is this?

Consumer Comments for Med Vet

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Consumer from Chicago area
Jan 12, 2025
MEDVET NEGLIGENCE & INCOMPETENCE KILLED MY DOG. On 9/29/24, my beloved dog Patrick was hospitalized in the ER to be monitored for respiratory difficulties/distress after a mucous plug blocked his airway earlier in the day. A treatable condition he was diagnosed with days earlier left him at an elevated risk of such obstructions. Close monitoring & delicate care was needed as he awaited an appointment with a specialist the next day to begin treatment. An evening update let me know Patrick had done well all day and could go home. I arrived to pick him up, and after waiting almost an hour, he was brought out. Patrick exited treatment held by a tech, from across the lobby, I could see that he was choking. Upon approach, it was clear he was already in extreme distress. Struggling in the tech’s arms, gasping for air, excessively salivating, gums completely white. I said he was not breathing well and needed a vet. I was told he was cleared for discharge as the oblivious tech began reviewing discharge instructions. Again, I said he was choking and needed help. Patrick’s terrified eyes were wide with panic as he thrashed about. I was told he was just happy to see me. Repeated pleas for help were met with blank stares from the tech & receptionist. Precious minutes wasted. It was horrifying & surreal. An employee from across the room finally ran over and rushed him back for aid. It was too late. Almost as soon as he made it back to treatment, his heart stopped. The vet who informed me of his death did not care for him during the day, admitted they were not very familiar with his case and could not answer my questions with any certainty. Thousands of dollars were charged for MedVet to monitor my Patrick and render aid if needed. Records should have been sent to his regular vet immediately. After repeated requests, records sent two days later DID NOT INCLUDE THAT HE PASSED AWAY. More calls questioning why his death was not recorded initially in his record result in “updated” records sent. Patrick's risk of developing another airway obstruction was high, needing constant monitoring. Record reviews indicate he was only checked every 1-2 hours, with one gap in monitoring of 5 HOURS while there. The process of retrieving his remains was even more delayed and mistake-riddled. There is no doubt his death was due to gross negligence. The INEPTITUDE of a tech not recognizing the difference between an excited dog and a distressed one is mind-blowing. The lack of concern and care expressed by the vet who declared him deceased; was chilling. No follow-up, outreach, or apology from MedVet after the event. No acknowledgement PATRICK WAS PRESENTED AS STABLE AND READY FOR DISCHARGE IN MORE GRAVE CONDITION THEN WHEN INITIALLY BROUGHT IN. I left MedVet that evening, not with my treasured companion as expected, but with a million “what ifs,” and the horrible image of my dog’s terrified, panicked face burned into my brain as he struggled and suffered through his last moments of life that will haunt me forever. My final memory of him, his eyes desperately pleading for help in a building filled with people who should have helped him but did not. I pray my sweet boy can rest in peace because he certainly did not die in peace at MedVet. It's hard to fully describe all the ways MedVet failed Patrick in the character limit allowed here. A more thorough review can be viewed on FB for those inclined. I've been a multi-dog home & worked with dogs professionally my entire life. Inevitably, after hours or urgent care is needed several times a year. I've experienced an alarming decline in quality of care since MedVet acquired Chicago Veterinary Emergency Services. Experiences in recent years have gone from bad to worse, culminating with this horrific, traumatizing event. I rue the day that I left my beloved Patrick in their care and recommend avoiding MedVet ER at all costs. Do not be fooled by the swanky aesthetics. This is an unprofessional facility that cares more about profits than quality care. Cost of care certainly does not = quality here.
Consumer from Chicago, IL
Oct 21, 2024
They misdiagnosed my dog's lymphoma.
Consumer from Evanston, IL
Oct 18, 2024
But one and only time I ever needed to really go to this place was to euthanize a kitty I had for 22 years. Their service was great they were great people and very caring and understanding for me in the moment.

...and 7 more consumer comments for Med Vet