Ziegler's Ace Hardware

150 S Kennedy Dr #15
Carpentersville, IL 60110 847-426-4888
Checkbook's Top Rating
Quality NO
Price NO

Prices for Ziegler's Ace Hardware

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Consumer Ratings for Ziegler's Ace Hardware — 22 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all hardware stores
Overall quality what is this?
Advice on choice and use of products what is this?
Promptness of service what is this?
Staff attitudes/atmosphere what is this?
Variety of products what is this?
Ease of looking at/testing products what is this?
Reliability what is this?

Consumer Comments for Ziegler's Ace Hardware

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Consumer from East Dundee, IL
May 27, 2023
We go to the big box store only if this Ace doesn't have it, and they usually do. Their staff is pleasant and efficient, and can find the most obscure piece of hardware that I need. They sharpen mower blades for us twice a year, and kitchen knives too. If they don't have something and I can wait a few days for it, they'll order it.
Consumer from Algonquin, IL
Aug 06, 2020
Good hardware store, well stocked.
Consumer from Carpentersvle, IL
Nov 30, 2013
Staff always pleasant and willing to assist.

...and 1 more consumer comment for Ziegler's Ace Hardware