Fry Plumbing

327 L St NE Rear
Washington, DC 20002 202-759-8417
Checkbook's Top Rating
Quality NO

Prices for Fry Plumbing

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Checkbook's price comparison score what is this?
Minimum charge for a service call
What the minimum charge includes
Hourly labor rate

Consumer Ratings for Fry Plumbing — 34 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all plumbers
Doing work properly on first try what is this?
Starting and completing work promptly what is this?
Letting you know cost early what is this?
Advice on service options and costs what is this?
Overall quality what is this?
Overall quality: percent who rated company "adequate" or "superior" what is this?

Complaints for Fry Plumbing

Number of complaints with local government consumer agencies and (complaint rate) what is this?
Number of complaints with BBB and (complaint rate) what is this?

Does company do sewer clearing work? ?

Areas Served by Fry Plumbing:

  • Alexandria
  • Anne Arundel Co.
  • Arlington Co.
  • DC–NE
  • DC–NW
  • DC–SE
  • Montgomery Co.
  • Prince George's Co.

Consumer Comments for Fry Plumbing

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Consumer from WASHINGTON, DC
Sep 04, 2024
Examined problem promptly, said they needed to get new part and would return the next day but heard nothing and called office and plumber then called me and said they would be back next morning. When they returned the next day they fiddled with the toilet mechanism reported that the part they had brought with them didn’t fit, left what had been dismantled in a wastebasket, left and I have never heard from them again despite several calls to the office. Fortunately I have other working toilets.
Consumer from Washington, DC
Aug 28, 2024
Good and available services
Consumer from Washington, DC
Aug 23, 2024
Very perfect set of people

...and 5 more consumer comments for Fry Plumbing