David E Chopp

7041 Koll Center Pkwy #260
Pleasonton, CA 94566 925-398-8102



Consumer Ratings for David E Chopp — 2 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Giving helpful advice
Doing work properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for David E Chopp

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Consumer from Oakland, CA
Jan 15, 2020
Excellent advice on Trusts & Estate taxes. Has moved all his operation to the cloud. He is no longer renting office space but can easily set up a face to face in a rented space in Emeroyville or pleasonton
Consumer from PLEASANTON, CA
Jan 28, 2018
We had recently moved, changed jobs and were in the midst of a home sale and nearing the end of our extension period. David took our somewhat disorganized information and quickly provided a completed return with an excellent overview of acceptable deductions and writeoffs. He was helpful, patient, thorough and professional.