Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus

350 Hawthorne Ave
Oakland, CA 94609 510-655-4000
Checkbook's Top Rating
Complex care NO
Simple care NO
Inpatient care NO

Summary Ratings for Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus

Ratings From Physicians for complex emergency care what is this?
Ratings From Physicians for simple emergency care what is this?

Patient ratings for Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus — 69 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all emergency rooms
Overall Care what is this?
Speed of service what is this?
Staff pleasantness what is this?
Effort to relieve patient's anxiety/discomfort what is this?
Listening to/communicating with patient what is this?
Helpfulness in arranging follow-up care what is this?

Timely & Effective Care for Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus

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How Often Hospital Followed "Best Treatment" Guidelines for Stroke Cases
How Often Hospital Followed "Best Treatment" Guidelines for Heart Attack Cases
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to be Seen by a Healthcare Professional
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to be Admitted
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to get to Room After Decision to Admit
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to Receive Care and Be Sent Home
Average Number of Minutes Patients Waited to Receive Pain Medication for Broken Bones
Percent of Patients Who Left Without Being Seen

Front-line capabilities for Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus

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Specialists always on duty
or Subscribe
Number of emergency department cases per year
Trauma center designation
Emergency medicine certified doctor always on duty

Ratings for Inpatient Care for Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all emergency rooms
Risk-adjusted death rate for all selected case types what is this?
Overall Rating by Patients for Inpatient Care
Doctor's ratings for high-risk adult surgery what is this?
The Leapfrog Group's Hospital Safety ScoreSM

Consumer Comments for Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus

Register here and see full info on Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus, FREE.
Consumer from OAKLAND, CA
Feb 27, 2025
The day we were there, the ER triage doctor saw us quickly and make appropriate diagnosis and moved us along for tests and inpatient treatment without too much delay.
Consumer from Oakland, CA
Feb 25, 2023
I was flabbergasted by the poor service in the emergency room at this hospital. My wife was feared to be having a heart attack, so I piled her into the car and rushed her straight to this hospital, the closest emergency room. There was a guard at the door that spoke poor English and substantially delayed her ability to get into the actual emergency room - - because he didn't understand the words, spoken in midwestern perfect English: "I think I'm having a heart attack!" He thought she was there to visit someone else! Once we got past that obstacle and actually got into the emergency admissions waiting area, it seemed like the staff was lackadaisical and could barely be bothered. I had to actively advocate for my wife to get promptly screened via EKG! Nobody every once asked if she'd taken some aspirin (standard protocol). Once she was admitted, it was clear there was a staffing shortage. The nurses were not locals but traveling nurses. They were okay. The doctor on call seemed to have his hands full, as we didn't see much of him. A few minutes about 45 minutes after our arrival, then maybe twice in 4 hours. Fortunately, it was not a heart attack and my wife was released. But this was a sad experience leaving me utterly lacking in confidence in this facility.
Consumer from Berkeley, CA
Apr 28, 2021
Nasty food, non chalant staff, kinda racist or biased based on affluence, doctors were incompetent especially dr joanna Cooper

...and 6 more consumer comments for Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Summit Campus