Laurie Quinn

Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-400-4347



Consumer Ratings for Laurie Quinn — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Listening to/communicating with you
Giving helpful advice
Thoroughness, carefulness, and apparent competence
Producing the results you expect
Keeping down waiting time
Overall quality of care

Consumer Comments for Laurie Quinn

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Consumer from Portola Valley, CA
Oct 24, 2022
Laurie is an exceptionally experienced and smart PT. She worked for many years at Agile in Palo Alto. She figured out I needed a hip replacement (which my doctor hadn't) and sent me to one of the best surgeons in the US. Years later when my L4/L5 popped, triggering serious sciatica, Laurie got me to a superb sports medicine doctor who is probably the reason I don't need a cane to walk. I cannot recommend Laurie too highly.