The Contented Kitty Cat Care

Berkeley, CA 510-204-9304



Consumer Ratings for The Contented Kitty Cat Care — 2 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for The Contented Kitty Cat Care

Register here and see full info on The Contented Kitty Cat Care, FREE.
Consumer from Berkeley, CA
Nov 28, 2023
For cat sitters, they're a rare breed and appreciated.
Consumer from Berkeley, CA
Jan 22, 2019
“Cathleen has been our #1 go-to choice as kitty-sitter for many years now, starting with our 19 year old (Mr Bear), and now with our new trio (Gracie, Olga and Rufus) since they were about 2 months old. So, here’s the bottom line for us: when we return home from trips, the cats seem totally happy, as if we’d never left. That’s how comfortable they are with Cathleen. What a gift she has…..the real cat-woman!”