Dobbins Affordable Chiropractic

1240 High St
Alameda, CA 94501 510-747-1600



Consumer Ratings for Dobbins Affordable Chiropractic — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Listening to/communicating with you
Giving helpful advice
Thoroughness, carefulness, and apparent competence
Producing the results you expect
Keeping down waiting time
Overall quality of care

Consumer Comments for Dobbins Affordable Chiropractic

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Consumer from Oakland, CA
Nov 03, 2017
This is a family owned business that keeps the emphasis on HEALTH - rather than "sick" - care AND has TWO generations of family members provided AMAZING service! In addition to chiropractic care, they also offer nutritional guidance and support as desired (for a separate service fee/structure). P.J. and her son Patrick put PATIENTS FIRST, and strive to keep the "affordable" in their services; hence their name "affordable" chiropractic care! Both of them have quick response times, especially when in crisis! I've been seeing this family of practitioners for years, and on more than 1 occasion they've made the difference between my functioning and NOT!