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We have veterinarian ratings for these seven metro areas.
How to Find the Best Vet for Your Pet

How to Find the Best Vet for Your Pet

As with choosing a doctor for a human, while you can’t assess all aspects of a veterinarian’s technical skills and expertise, you can judge many factors central to good medical care for your pet.

Signs that Your Pet Might Need a Vet

Signs that Your Pet Might Need a Vet

Because many health problems are subtle and easily overlooked, you should regularly evaluate your pet’s general health with a nose-to-tail inspection.

Should You Buy Pet Health Insurance?

Should You Buy Pet Health Insurance?

To assess the true value of pet insurance, we conducted an in-depth cost/benefit analysis of 12 plans. Visit our "Pet Insurance" section for those results.

Ruff Decisions: Animal Housing Options While You’re Away

Ruff Decisions: Animal Housing Options While You’re Away

Instead of boarding at kennels, many travelers take their pets along for the ride, leave them with friends or family, or hire professional sitters. Each of these options comes with pros and cons.

Finding Best in Show Kennels

Finding Best in Show Kennels

If you can’t take your furry best friend on vacation with you, you may have to book him or her into a kennel.

Prepping Your Pet for a Kennel Stay

Prepping Your Pet for a Kennel Stay

For your pet’s stay to go well, it’s not enough to select a kennel carefully; you also have to prepare your pet properly and then care for it properly after its stay.

How to Spot the Best Carpet Cleaning Services

How to Spot the Best Carpet Cleaning Services

Even if you turn into "that host" who makes everyone leave their shoes inside the front door, there's no way to avoid it: You'll eventually need to have your carpet and rugs cleaned.

How to Save Money on Carpet Cleaning

How to Save Money on Carpet Cleaning

Along with high-quality work, pay close attention to what services cost. Some companies push unneeded add-ons. And prices for identical services can vary from company to company by more than 100 percent.

In-Plant Rug Cleaning

In-Plant Rug Cleaning

Rugs require expert specialized care to come clean. They can be permanently damaged if cleaned using improper methods or with poorly mixed chemicals. Delicate handmade or antique rugs can be ruined if dyes run, fringes tear, and warpage and shrinkage occurs.