Cosmopolitan Hoarder Estate Services

11815 124th Ave NE
Kirkland, WA 98034 206-859-9821



Consumer Ratings for Cosmopolitan Hoarder Estate Services — 3 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Cosmopolitan Hoarder Estate Services

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Consumer from Seattle, WA
May 04, 2020
Cosmopolitan Hoarders runs a good sale. I'm a professional book scout, and they offered fair prices and discounts and were generally friendly. Their prices run a drop high, and their main store in Kirkland is only so-so and a tad pricey. A credible, decent estate sale manager--but their main store is only so-so. All in all, though, I'd recommend them.
Consumer from Edmonds, WA
May 14, 2019
Not Recommended
This company held a 3-day estate sale for me, and three months after the sale I still have not received any accounting of proceeds. I have called, texted and emailed numerous times, and received absolutely no response. I went to their warehouse and asked in person when I would get an accounting and was told they were waiting for a final bill from the dumpster company. I asked for an accounting with an educated guess as to what that charge might be, and still have not had any response whatsoever.
Consumer from EDMONDS, WA
Aug 13, 2017