Total Living Construction

7540 Fullerton Ct
Springfield, VA 22153 703-971-1028



Consumer Ratings for Total Living Construction — 8 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Total Living Construction

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Consumer from Springfield, VA
Nov 10, 2020
Not Recommended
I scheduled a home consult with TLC which was set for about a month later as that was the first opening. They called to re-schedule twice which is okay, at least they called. The co-owner met with me and my wife about our ideas for a home remodel. He took rough measurements and made sketches to get a feel for a way forward. He said he would be in touch with some estimates shortly. That was four months ago and we have heard nothing from him. If that's the way he runs his business there is no way I would trust his company to do satisfactory work on my house. I'm glad he revealed his true nature before we committed to anything.
Consumer from Alexandria, VA
Dec 30, 2019
Not Recommended
Came to my home over a month ago to give an estimate to refinish basement and never got back to me. I called last week and said estimator said he has been sick. No excuse, he should have called me.
Consumer from Alexandria, VA
Jan 31, 2019

...and 5 more consumer comments for Total Living Construction