MAC Design Build

44927 George Washington Blvd #155
Ashburn, VA 20147 703-852-8825



Consumer Ratings for MAC Design Build — 3 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for MAC Design Build

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Consumer from Clifton, VA
Feb 06, 2020
When seeking a design firm to remodel our large outdated kitchen, we searched for a company that would create a unique and dramatic outcome. The design was complicated and required sophisticated and experienced designers, engineers and procurement crews. MAC design listened to all our wish list items, incorporated almost all of them, but offered their own dramatic design inputs and ways to achieve our goals in more cost effective ways - they took our dreams and brought them to life. Many companies we spoke with said they could do anything we wanted. But from the beginning, MAC took the time and effort to develop the true feel for what we wanted, and then meshed that with their own design skills to create a contemporary AND practical kitchen - not simply executing whatever we thought might work or be interesting. We certainly were prepared to pay what it takes to achieve our goals, but MAC inserted reality into the process, often proposing solutions that saved us considerable sums in various areas. All members of the MAC team were dedicated to their tasks, often going the extra mile to get an aspect just right vs. adopting an easy, off the shelf solution. With their experience and contacts, they were even able to have custom items fabricated that were more cost effective than off the shelf. It was touches like these that took the project from nice to over the top and grand
Consumer from RESTON, VA
May 10, 2016
Not Recommended
A 2 month remodeling project turned into a 12 month nightmare. Overall performance, after multiple repeated efforts, was barely adequate. The costs just kept going up - with multiple change orders for work that was included in the initial scope of work.
Consumer from STERLING, VA
Sep 29, 2014
Not Recommended