Mario's Custom Painting

510 S Jefferson St
Arlington, VA 22204 703-671-9214



Consumer Ratings for Mario's Custom Painting — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Mario's Custom Painting

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Consumer from Sterling, VA
Oct 29, 2023
Mario is a true artisan dedicated to doing it expertly and doing it properly. If you want the best looking walls, Mario's painting technique is the best. Compared to other painters, Mario's painted walls are super smooth, not mottled orange-peel like with other painters. He actually takes the time to properly prep your walls. Our two story family room was the typical builder special - uneven, wavy and uneven drywall joints; Mario took 3 full days of prep, mudding, sanding, and smoothing out the walls before he even started painting. The walls are beautiful now. If you want cheap, Mario is not your guy. If you want beautiful, professionally painted walls, Mario is your guy. He's sometimes slow to respond - it's only him, a small business - but he's definitely worth the wait.